Fire alarms and life safety systems for commercial and public buildings. ZEST specialises in installing and supporting fire &life safety systems for schools, care homes, commercial and public buildings in the UK.

Fire Alarms
The type of fire alarm system you choose to install will mainly depend on the size of your commercial property, school or building, and the number of people within the building at any one time.
A conventional fire alarm system splits the building into zones, with that particular zone being activated should a fire occur. This enables the fire authorities or responsible person on site to see which zone of the building the fire is in, and act accordingly. Our systems are designed to meet the customer’s specific requirements, to meet all current regulations and are installed by our own skilled technicians, as a Company ZEST Fire &Security Systems are NSI accredited to GOLD Certifications for the Design, Installation and Maintenance of Fire Alarm Systems.

Emergency Lighting
Emergency lighting systems are normally required to operate fully automatically and give illumination of a sufficiently high level to enable all occupants to evacuate the premises safely.
Emergency light fittings can tell when the power has failed and immediately switch to using the backup battery. By having sufficient Emergency Lighting systems installed, we aim to put your mind at ease knowing your family or business are fully supported and equipped should an emergency occur, ensuring maximum security and safety for your loved ones.

Aspirating Smoke Detection
We provide Aspirating Smoke Detection Systems to ensure fire threats are discovered as early as physically possible. Our advanced systems draw air through a network of pipes to detect smoke and can detect the threat before a human can, ensuring you are alerted of a threat before any damage is caused.
This system provides the utmost security for your home or business, protecting the lives of those you love and the business you have worked so hard to build up successfully.

PAVA Systems
A Public Address Voice Alarm System that is used to instruct people in emergency situations. We provide the design, installation, commissioning and maintenance of your PAVA system to ensure you are fully protected. Although mainly used in large buildings, the systems offered can range from small integrated fire detection and PAVA systems to larger systems built for commercial environments.

Disabled Systems (Refuge Alarms &WC Alarms)
Building regulations currently in place insist all new non-domestic buildings with more than one story provide ‘refuge’ areas. These are for those who may not be able easily use fire escapes or other evacuation routes. This ‘refuge’ area is a relatively safe place that these individuals can call for assistance and wait for help. The two way speech monitoring system allows users to contact building control to seek help, and building control can stay in contact with the individual, helping them to remain calm until the situation has been resolved and they have been taken to a safe area. ZEST can provide high quality WC Alarms that allows people in distress to call for assistance quickly and easily, helping to manage the safety and well being of individuals within your workplace.

Induction Loop &Hearing Enhancement Systems
Induction loop systems reduce background noise for those who are deaf or have difficulty hearing. This allows them to focus on sounds – such as a person speaking – from the loop system microphone. Here at ZEST, we would be honored to advise you on the correct system for your requirements to help ensure the safety of all individuals. We provide a full site survey so we can correctly advise you on the system that would best suit your needs.